
The One Health Consortium understands the significance of cultivating and maintaining strategic partnerships. Our partnership includes individuals, Institutions, small community support groups, religious organizations, Civil society groups, the Quadripartite Cooperation (WHO, FAO, and UNEP), Private enterprises, Government institutions, and international networks who believe that we can create a better world by empowering One Health Consortium. Working together we can change the world of One Health Approach. We call our donors partners and treat them like stakeholders because our approach is to dedicate an interdisciplinary Collaboration together with leaders capable of enacting long-term sustainable change in our One Health Consortium. OHC donors offer transformational opportunities for us to make steep changes in both our Human Health, Animal Health, and their shared Environments to achieve optimal health outcomes for all. OHC works with its different valued partners to enable positive results in Our Health, Animals, Plants, Environment, and Ecosystem Health delivery of sustainable impact through the provision of One Health Consortium services for interdisciplinary partners.